DIY Hummingbird Feeder

I love Hummingbirds and have had a little success in luring them to my balcony garden. I was considering how to draw them in without adding a full-size hummingbird feeder to my balcony. I came across this idea while I was browsing Pinterest and decided to try it out. I'm delighted with the end result… Continue reading DIY Hummingbird Feeder

Nature’s Heroes

Wildlife Photography is full of crazy adventures. Maybe one day, you're sitting in a hunting blind waiting for ducks to fly or swim in. The next day involves walking through the woods searching for owls. These are regular days for a wildlife photographer, but sometimes you come across something you didn't expect: an animal in… Continue reading Nature’s Heroes

What Do You Listen To While You Work?

Photography is a lot of work. You start by researching what you want to shoot. Then you have to find that perfect location that has the landscape, wildlife, or background that you envisioned. Then you get to work: setting up your equipment, checking your lighting, and taking your photos. Then comes the hardest part. Taking… Continue reading What Do You Listen To While You Work?